Monday, January 16, 2012

#HOTFLASH 4 hour Giveaway! Enter to win $100 Amex, Paypal or Amazon Gift Card!

Anyone want to win a prize?? $100 Amex Gift Card (I will offer winner choice of $100 Amex, Amazon or Paypal)

In just 4 hours you could be $100 richer!  What would you do with the $100?  Comment on this post and let us know!

Thanks to Deals4Dummies for organizing and hosting this giveaway
  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would buy new rugs for the dinung room.

  2. I would choose the Amazon card and use it to buy my son the Air Jordans he's been dying for! He's a great kid and SOOO deserves them, but I just haven't had the $!

  3. I would spend the money on my grandchildren of course!

  4. I would put this towards my laptop fund.
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. I would spend it on myself. Maybe some new scrubs!

  6. Id buy my gf flowers and take her out to dinner and a movie :)

  7. I would put it toward a romantic Valentines dinner :)

  8. I would use this money to buy my kids some new clothes! Thanks for the giveaway!! =.)
